Monday, July 29, 2013

Ghost Dog....

Something is haunting my house!  I hear the soft steps of paws on the floor, a hushed whisper of  puppy breath on my neck, the wisp of fur brushed against my leg, the feeling of being followed.'s just my grandpuppy.  This is my daughter's sheltie, Camus, Mr Charming and I were dog sitting him a few months ago when I had him sit for a quick photo but he wasn't willing to sit long enough for me to snap his picture.  I don't know how this ghostly effect happened but one second he was sitting there and the next he was off to investigate whatever caught his attention.  He's a sweet little pup, all lovey and loads of energy. 

My Sadie loves when he comes for a visit.  They romp and play much of the day. Camus is an expert at getting into trouble.  Fortunately, Sadie has learned not to participate in his antics.  Last time Camus was here he entertained himself with a bottle of glue while his mommy and I were out shopping.  Thankfully, he managed to chew on the lid without opening it; the plastic top was a loss.  I called him to the crime scene and by the looks of him, he was pleading guilty.  Sadie took off out of the room before she was implicated. Camus sat there with his ears down and his head dropped; his eyes were sad and I swear if he had lips, they would have been quivering.  I didn't have the heart to fuss at him after that display.  He's less than 2 years old and is in the last vestige of his puppy stage.  The next time we left, we cordoned off the room where he finds the most temptation.  Nothing was amiss when we arrived least that we found.

Till next time



countercrafts said...

You are a good "grandma" to your furry grandchild! Take Care and I hope that you and your family will have a safe and Blessed remainder of your season. Donna

countercrafts said...

Sorry, meant to say "remainder of your summer"!! Take Care and God Bless!

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