1) base coat. That simply means to fill in and block in the colors where they go, like coloring in a coloring book and staying in the lines. Easy so far...right?
2) shade. I usually shade around everything so it gives some dimension. Included in shading is also hi-lighting. Hi-lighting is usually done with a light color and scrubbed into an area with a "scruffy" brush. With hi-lighting, a little goes a long way. Incidentally, you can find videos on how to shade and hi-light that are informative and easy to follow.

3) add the details. This looks like the hard part but it's not. Details are things like lines on a scarf or eyes, nose and mouth on a snowman. Snowflakes or stasrs....; the finishing touches that give a painted piece some interest and bring it to life. Keep in mind that most of these things that are added will probably also be shaded or highlighted.

I'm also in the process of painting a ginger gal on a wine bottle. I actually designed this one on paper and will be posting it once I have the copyright. I also have an ice skate that is waiting on my studio table for its turn to be to become a treasure. Oh to have the time to do it all!
Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway. Click the giveaway icon on the right side bar and follow the rules on the post.
Till next time.
qué bonitos trabajos de Navidad!!!!
saludos,desde Argentina
I love this! I have a odd shape wine bottle I have been saving.. You have inspired me.. Blessings!
Wow, you can paint a gorgeous scene on anything! You're so good...
Love it !Makes me want to drag out my brushes.Hugs,Jen
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