Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another One Finished

I love the message on this piece "Simplify". It's hard to see the word, I've darkened the lettering since taking this photo. I didn't realize it was so light until I saw the picture. I have had this bentwood cheese box for at least 12 years. I ordered it while we were stationed in Guam with the Air Force. I had intended to paint it and sell it at one of the craft shows…I think. It’s been so long I can’t remember why I ordered it. It has sat on the shelf in at least 4 different houses. Rummaging through my studio a few weeks ago I finally pulled it off the shelf and set it aside to work on. And it sat there and sat there and sat there. I am determined to paint the stuff I already have on hand before buying anything else. I knew I had better paint this box and paint it quickly. We are going to visit some friends in Tennessee soon; while we are there, and on our way, I want to visit as many antique shops and thrift stores as possible. I really can’t justify buying anything if my “to do” shelf is full.

This time of year, like clockwork, the urge to de-clutter over takes me. I go through my closets, cupboards, drawers, desks, and pantry and start throwing out stuff or giving it away. And about the time I am finished my Handsome starts looking for something that he hasn’t used in a year. Not finding it, he usually begins the much anticipated blame of “you threw it away”. Affirmative, I probably did. I am a firm believer that I cannot keep every scrap of paper that has had something scratched on it. My Sweetie a few short years ago realized if he wanted to keep something he better be proactive and put it in a “safe” place. Sometimes he remembers where that safe place is and sometimes he forgets.

When I have the house nice and tidy I often begin to think about my spiritual house. How tidy is it? It’s as easy to clutter up the spirit in us as it is to clutter our natural dwelling. We clutter it with fears, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, deceptions, prejudice and a host of other “stuff”. When I allow these things to clutter my spiritual house I become an unproductive Christian. I do not love others as I should. I don’t have compassion on those in need, I let myself talk about others in an unfavorable way, I become envious and soon greed crops up. I start to judge others by my own criteria and I allow myself to say things I can never take back. It’s easy to see these things in others but when I start to pull away the layers of clutter in myself I see I’m the one who is guilty and in need of a cleaning. This is the time I get honest before God, He already knows anyway. He is able to wash me clean by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. When I am clean on the inside, it’s like taking a breath of fresh air again. All the weight of that clutter is gone. I can enjoy my relationship with Him and my relationship with others again.


Brenda said...

You have been busy! I have 2 door fronts that I have started painting a few months ago. I have the base done but Christmas came with the need of Christmas crafts and gifts then I started working on painting a room and some furnishings in it. I need to get back to those doors so they can be reinstalled and I can work on a new project without thinking I need to get those doors done.

Jody said...

Love this piece....that design is just perfect for it!

Down On The Farm said...

What a beautiful post, and a beautiful message. Yes, we need to examine ourselves. I need to examine myself constantly so that the fruit of the spirit isn't choked out by the things of the flesh. It happens so innocently, and before we know it, God has been pushed farther down "the list." Thank God that He uses those He brings into our lives as a gentle reminder to always put Him first, and today, you have been my reminder :)! Thank you for letting His Holy Spirit speak thru you today. A good word for everyone. Enjoy the day and God bless you!

Brenda said...

You are an awesome painter Willa!!


Anonymous said...

Bless you for this beautiful post. You did the cheese box good!!

Lady Farmer said...

What a beautiful painted box and a beautiful message! One I needed to hear this week!

countercrafts said...

Thank you Willa, for sharing your wonderful thoughts about de-cluterring our well as our own thoughts! You need to write a have a way of saying things that I need to hear. Thank you for allowing Jesus to work in your life and to share that with me. You are a wonderful painter and a wonderful outreach for Jesus! Take Care and God Bless! Donna, countercrafts,

Denise said...

Look at that!!!!!!!! Wonderful talent...... Makes me want to dig out my brushes, but alas it would be a waste of my time........ cannot paint a straight line...... AND simplify has been my theme for the past few months.....Clearing out the clutter in my home and in my life....... Deep breath! I feel so much better!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

I try and clean out my closets too so I can justify buying more but sometimes when I see something I love, I gotta have it.

Very nice analog about our spiritual home. I love the wording you've used and there is much truth to it! I know what a good cleaning and de-cluttering can do with my relationship with the Lord, but sometimes I get so caught up into worldly things that I forget. I'm so glad He is a loving Savior that forgives me and gives me new mercies every day! Thank you Willa for the beautiful reminder!

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