Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Any One Want to Play?

This is SadieMae's favorite thing to do...other than going for a walk...or a ride...or a hike.  We try not to say these words in front of her..w.a.l.k, r.i.d.e...h.i.k.e.  We usually spell them or she will pester us endlessly until we take her for a walk or a ride, or a hike.  Another word we spell is Frisbee.  She has connected the dots with the spelling of that word.  We keep the F.r.i.s.b.e.e out of sight, there's no way to appease her if she lays eyes on it other than taking it out of its hiding place (she knows exactly where that is) and playing a round with her.  It is a great way to expend her excessive energy but truthfully when it's raining, or snowing it's no fun to trudge outside and throw that thing for 10 minutes.

Sadie is a smart girl, that's one of the things I love about Border Collies.  Last year I taught her to play dead. Before I went to work I went through the basics with her (with treat in hand, of course) and in just a few minutes she had the idea down fairly well.  Over the next couple of days I continued the training and now when I point my finger (or say BANG) at her she puts on the dying act.  She lays down on her side with her hind leg up and her head down.  In the past few months I have also taught her, "a little to the right' and "a little to the left".  When I say these phrases she moves in the appropriate direction. 

If Sadie could be a fictional character she would be Pippi Longstocking.  Her love of adventure and knack for finding trouble; her boundless energy and penchant for finding fun in the most serious  of moments, is completely Pippi-ish.    

I love Sadie's energy. She's reactive which can be quite amusing at times.  She has a huge curiosity about the things around her and a hair trigger for checking them out.  I'm hoping a skunk doesn't cross her path!

Sadie is a well loved puppy! 


1 comment:

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

O Sweet Sadie YOU are just beautiful...border collies are great dogs but so focused and energetic ...my friend raises them and trains them ...they always need a purpose ...laser lights are a great indoor energy burner as are bones with frozen chicken in them...Give Sadie extra scratches from Princess and I ...enjoy your day hugs lil raggedy Angie

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